Thursday, 7 March 2024



您在单词中听到的每个声音都是一个音素。 它是构成完整单词的最小声音单位。 不要将这与这本身字母混淆。 音素只是发出的声音。 重要的是要了解音素可以由多个字母组成。

以狗 (dog) 这个词为例。 涉及三个音素:“d”音、短的“o”音和“g”音。

Hope 这个词也是一个三音素词:“h”音、长“oo”音和“p”音。


英语中有 44 个音素,其中包括 24 个辅音和 20 个元音。 想想辅音和元音的不同组合(例如“ch”或“ea”)发出独特的声音。


字素是用于识别音素的符号; 它是代表声音的一个字母或一组字母。 您可以使用字母名称来识别字素,例如汽车中的“c”,其中硬“c”声音由字母“c”表示。

两个字母的字素位于“team”中,其中“ea”发出长“ee”音。 四个字母的字素可以在单词“eight”中找到,其中“eigh”发出长“a”的声音。


硬“c”音可以用“c”、“k”或“ck”字素来拼写。 相当多的字素可以用于长“ee”音素:“ee”如利兹,“ea”如seam,“ie”如brief,“ei”如天花板,“e-e”如主题 。


最后,有向字母是一种发出同一个声音的两个字母的字素。 例如,考虑“choose”中的“ch”、“shut”中的“sh”或“boat”中的“oa”。

分裂二合字母是指单词末尾的“e”使中间元音变长,例如“din”和“dine”之间的区别。 它们都有三个音素(声音),但“dine”中的二合字母发出长“i”的声音。


 英语合成拼读法(Synthetic Phonics)

合成拼读法Synthetic Phonics)是一种英语教学方法,旨在通过教授字母的发音和它们在单词中的组合方式来帮助学生学习阅读和拼写。这种方法侧重于将单个字母或字母组合的发音与它们在单词中的位置联系起来,以帮助学生逐步建立起阅读和拼写的能力。以下是关于合成拼读法的详细介绍:




音节拆分 学生通过学习如何拆分单词为音节,从而更容易理解和处理单词。这有助于他们在阅读时更流畅地识别单词。














Saturday, 13 August 2011

Whole Grains + Red/Green Beans

Red/Green  Beans
Beans have significant amounts of fiber and soluble fiber, with one cup of cooked beans providing between nine to thirteen grams of fiber. Beans are also high in protein, complex carbohydrates and iron.
1.            Wash and drain the whole grains. (1 ½ cup)
2.            Soak beans (1 ½ cup) with warm water for ½ hour.
3.            Add whole grains, soaked beans and 1300 cc of water into the electric cooking pot.
3.            Set the timer to 30 minutes.
4.            Sugar and milk can be added for taste.

Whole Grains + Fresh Fruits

Fruits are generally high in fiber, water, vitamin C and sugars. They are the good source of vitamin C. Regular consumption of fruit is associated with reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and some of the functional declines associated with aging.
1.            Wash and drain the whole grains. (1 ½ cup)
2.            Add whole grains and 1300 cc of water into the electric cooking pot.
3.            Set the timer to 30 minutes.
4.            Chop the fresh fruits into pieces.
5.            Mix the fresh fruits and whole grains soup and ready for serving.

Whole Grains + Nuts + Seeds

Almonds, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts and ground nuts are good sources of vitamins E and B2 (riboflavin, an antioxidant), and are rich in protein, folate, fiber, and essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and selenium. Several studies have revealed that people who consume nuts regularly are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease. Since then many clinical trials have found that consumption of various nuts such as almonds and walnuts can lower serum LDL cholesterol concentrations.
Sunflower seeds are rich in linoleic acid (fatty acid) and also an excellent source of dietary fiber, some amino acids , Vitamin E, B Vitamins (B1 , B5 or pantothenic acid), and minerals such as copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium and zinc. Additionally, they are rich in cholesterol-lowering phytosterols.
1.            Chop mixed nuts into smaller pieces. (300 g)
2.            Wash and drain the whole grain. (1 ½ cup)
3.            Add mixed nuts, seeds, whole grains and 1300 cc of water into the electric cooking pot.
5.            Set the timer to 30 minutes.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Whole Grain and Mushroom Soup

Safe and edible fresh mushroom can be bought from supermarket. Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, & B5) and the essential minerals, selenium, copper and potassium.  It provides flavour and fragrance to the soup. A little bit of pepper and salt can be added to enhance the taste.

- 1.5 cup whole grain, 100g fresh mushrooms (5-6 pieces), 1/2 potato, 1/2 onion, 1300 ml water.
- Cut mushroom, potato and onion into pieces.
- Mix the ingredients and water in the cooking pot.
- Set the timer to 30 minutes.
- 2 tsp light soy sauce, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar and little bit of peper to be added according to preference.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Whole Grain, Pumpkin & Sweet Corn

The nutrients found in pumpkin are vitamin A, C and both alpha and beta carotene, the latter of which generates vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is a vitamin that is needed by the retina of the eye in the form of a specific metabolite, the light-absorbing molecule retinal, that is absolutely necessary for both low-light and colour vision.
Sweet Corn
Sweet corns are rich in Vitamin B, C, iron, magnesium and potassium. Cooked sweet corn has significant antioxidant activity, which has been suggested to reduce the chance of heart disease and cancer.  Cooked sweet corn also releases increased levels of ferulic acid, which provides health benefits, such as battling cancer.
Pumpkin and sweet corn are chosen to add some combined flavour and nutrition to the multi grain soup. (Brown rice, millet and other whole grain) Fresh milk or honey can be added according to preference.
1.       Cut and slice pumpkin into thin slices for easier cooking. (1/4)
2.       Slice and remove the corn seeds. (1)
3.       Wash the whole grain. (1 ½ cup)
4.       Add pumpkin slices, corn seeds, whole grain and 1300 cc of water into the electric cooking pot. (with heater & grinder)
5.    Set the cooking time to 30 minutes. (Green button)